How to make your own easy Halloween sensory bin


The leaves are changing, the weather is getting cooler…that means it’s time to make your own Halloween sensory bin! Sensory bins are so much fun for kids of all ages, and even more fun when the theme is perfect for the holiday coming up. Have some Halloween fun by creating your very own sensory bin. 

child playing in a Halloween themed sensory bin

Now sensory bins can be as simple or detailed as you make them, not to mention as inexpensive or extravagant. But there’s really something for everyone. Try out these straightforward ways to make your own easy Halloween themed sensory bins this year. 

Everything You Need for a Halloween Sensory Bin

This simple Halloween activity is a big hit with children all fall long. Have the best Halloween season this year with all kinds of fun Halloween crafts and activities for your kids, starting with this sensory bin. 

​Find a Halloween Filler

black and orange shredded plastic

For our Halloween sensory bin, we used shredded up orange and black plastic leaves. These are heavy enough for scooping and pouring, but big enough that clean-up and keeping them in the bin is much easier. 

Then, we added the filler to an empty plastic container. You want a bin that gives your child enough room to play and has high enough sides to keep the mess contained, but not difficult for a child to reach the bottom. 

Something simple like this is the perfect sensory bin for younger toddlers who will likely make somewhat of a mess. Keep scrolling for other filler ideas. 

Add Halloween Toys

pumpkins and candy corn in a sensory bin

At the Dollar Tree last year we found these orange and black teddy bears to add along with the candy corn light covers that we pulled off the string of lights. Then we added a few pumpkins and larger candy corn containers that double as bowls or pouring utensils.

After that, we decided to add a few plastic spiders, too. 

Add Fine Motor Tools

child scooping in a sensory bin

Lastly, add in some tools to help promote fine motor skills through activities like pouring, mixing, and scooping. We choose to add a few small bowls for pouring as well as sorting out the small objects (another fun sensory activity that’s also on our list of great Halloween ideas). We also added a few measuring spoons, cups, and spatulas, just everyday household items. 

Have Fun with It

Now we’re ready to play! Let your child play with all these fun items and explore this new toy in different ways. 

You can take things out or add them in as you see what your child needs and is interested in. Next time we play with it, we’ll switch out a few of the small Halloween items to keep things interesting. Then, try more of these fall sensory bin ideas.

toddler playing in a Halloween sensory bin

Halloween Sensory Bin Fillers

The sky’s the limit when it comes to making your own sensory bin. Do what works for you, your child, and your budget. Here’s some other great ideas to use as fillers for your bin for the best sensory experience. 

  • Black and/or orange rice
  • Pom Poms in Halloween colors
  • Water Beads 
  • Cooked spaghetti noodles
  • Dry pasta of varying shapes
  • Black beans
  • Shaving Cream dyed orange with food coloring

You can easily find most of these online or at a local craft store. The grocery store will have bags of black beans, spaghetti noodles, or white rice for a reasonable price to fill your entire plastic bin.  

Fun Sensory Bin Additions

Here’s some super fun Halloween items to add in that are the perfect addition to any bin. These allow you to create fun sensory play while also adding in the perfect amount of spooky for young kids. And most of these things can be found at the dollar store or Hobby Lobby this time of year. 

  • Little pumpkins
  • Googly eyes
  • Plastic spiders
  • Spider rings
  • A plastic cauldron (great for pouring!)
  • Bouncy balls
  • Spider webs

Adding just a few of these small items is an easy way to create simple fun for Halloween season. 


Some of the items suggested and the items we used in our bin are choking hazards and not age appropriate for all children, especially younger kids. You know your child best. If there’s any way your child would put any of these things in their mouth, don’t use them in your sensory bin. 

That being said, if you are using anything that could possibly be a choking hazard for any age, make sure you supervise your child. 

How to dye rice for a sensory bin

What you’ll need:

First, add the vinegar and the food coloring to the ziplock bag and mix. Pour in the rice and mix together with the bag closed until the color is uniform. Lastly, spread the wet rice onto a pan to dry overnight.

child digging in sensory bin

Benefits of Sensory Bins 

Sensory activities are great for children’s development. Sensory fun is a great way to get little hands to explore their environment and learn through free play. Young children are learning through the exploration and open ended play.  

Sensory bins are a great activity to improve fine motor skills while having loads of fun! They are a super fun way to build hand-eye coordination. All of these things are building practical life skills in a fun way.

For a full guide to sensory bins (and even more sensory bin ideas), check out our full guide here.  You can also read about the specific fine motor goals for your child based on their age here.

Happy Halloween! 

Check out more fun Halloween activities

Here’s even more sensory ideas that are great fine motor practice like this black bat sensory bin for a spooky sensory bin. Check out the full list, and try these other sensory play ideas with a Halloween theme. 

sorting pom poms into three bowls

Another fun sensory bin activity

Try this other DIY sensory bin that can also fit into the fall and back to school theme-farm! Now is the time kids may visit a farm, apple orchard, or pumpkin patch. Create this farm sensory bin to fit their activities. 

sensory farm bin with animals and vegetables

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